Microsoft Graph — Single Sign-on

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  1. Abstract
  2. TL;DR
  3. Prerequisite
  4. Resources
  5. Create a new application on Microsoft Azure
  6. Add credentials
  7. Grant API permissions
  8. Demo program
  9. Configure & run the demo program
  10. Conclusion


In this tutorial, I will present the procedure to employ Microsoft Graph API to authenticate users with Microsoft OAuth2 authentication mechanism in order to implement the single sign-on (SSO), aka. sign-in with Microsoft. This article is organized as follows:

  • Create a new application on Microsoft Azure to obtain Application-ID and Client-ID for later use.
  • Implement a Flask application to authenticate users having Microsoft accounts (either personal or work account) based on Microsoft Azure Active Directory.


If you just want to run the demo program, please visit this GitHub repository to clone the sample program:

1. Prerequisite

To complete this tutorial, you will need to have the following things:

  • A Microsoft 365 account with an active subscription such as Home or Business plan.
  • If you are trying this tutorial within an organization that subscribes to Microsoft 365 Business plan, you also need to have an Administrator account in order to grant permissions on the created application.
  • You should have a background in Python programming language to understand the sample Flask project.

2. Resources

3. Create a new application on Microsoft Azure

In this section, I will show you how to create an application on Microsoft Azure. First, you sign in to Microsoft Azure with either your personal account (Skype, Xbox, Live, and Hotmail) or work account (Microsoft 365 Business Plan). Then, you perform the following steps:

  • Navigate to the Microsoft identity platform for developers App registrations page.
  • Select New registration, as shown in Fig. 1.
  • Fig 1. App registration - Microsoft Azure portal
    Fig 1. App registration - Microsoft Azure portal
  • As shown in Fig. 2, you need to (1) enter the application's name that will be displayed in the login screen, (2) select the supported account types, and (3) enter the redirect URI. There are four types of supported accounts, as follows:
    • The Accounts in this organizational directory only means that you're building an application for use only by users (or guests) in your tenant.
    • The Accounts in any organizational directory means that you want users in any Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tenant to be able to use your application. This type of app is known as a multi-tenant application in the Microsoft identity platform.
    • The Accounts in any organizational directory and personal Microsoft accounts means that the application targets the widest set of customers, including users who have personal Microsoft accounts.
    • Select Personal Microsoft accounts if you're building an application only for users who have personal Microsoft accounts such as Skype, Xbox, Live, and Hotmail accounts.
  • Fig 2. Register an application on Microsoft Azure portal
    Fig 2. Register an application on Microsoft Azure portal
  • Select Register to complete the initial app registration.
  • When registration finishes, the Azure portal displays the app registration's Overview pane, as shown in Fig. 3. You see the Application (client) ID which is also called the client ID, this value uniquely identifies your application in the Microsoft identity platform.
  • Fig 3. App registration's Overview page
    Fig 3. App registration's Overview page

4. Add credentials

Credentials are used by confidential client applications that access a web API. In this example, we will add client secrets (a string) as credentials to our confidential client app registration.

  • Select Certificates & secrets in the left navigation bar, then select New client secret, as shown in Fig. 4.
  • Fig 4. Create certificates & secrets for the application (1)
    Fig 4. Create certificates & secrets for the application (1)
  • As shown in Fig. 5, you need to enter the Description and select its lifetime, then select the Add button.
  • Fig 5. Create certificates & secrets for the application (2)
    Fig 5. Create certificates & secrets for the application (2)
  • After submitting the information of the client secret, the Azure portal will display the Value of the created client secret. You must record this secret's value for use in your client application code, since this value is never displayed again after you leave this page.

5. Grant API permissions

By default, the User.Read.All has been already added to the application. This default permission is enough to implement the SSO functionality. You can visit this article to try other Microsoft Graph APIs.

6. Demo program

In this section, I will show the implementation of a Flask application (client program) that authenticates users having Microsoft accounts. You need to perform the following step to run the demo program:

7. Configure & run the demo program

For ease of executing the demo program, I have prepared an file that contains a list of commands that run sequentially to start the demo Flask application. There are two parameters that you must configure before running the demo program, i.e., CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET. The CLIENT_ID is a string that you did obtain as presented in Section 3. And the CLIENT_SECRET is the recorded secret's value, as presented in Section 4.

After inserting the CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET into the file, you can now run the demo program by executing the following commands in Terminal window:

  • work <env_name>
  • pip install requirements.txt
  • source

You should notice that the second command is a one-time executed command. The first and third commands will be manually executed each time you run the demo program. Fig. 1 shows the result when visiting the http://localhost:5000 in a web browser.

Fig 1. Index page of the demo program
Fig 1. Index page of the demo program

The demo program allows you to sign in with both a personal account (Skype, Xbox, Live, and Hotmail) and a work account (Microsoft 365 Business plan). In Fig. 2, I demonstrate the demo program with a personal account.

Fig 2. Sign in to the demo program with a personal Microsoft account
Fig 2. Sign in to the demo program with a personal Microsoft account

After users click on the Yes button, they will be redirected to the demo application that will render a list of available functionalities, as shown in Fig. 3, since the users have been authenticated.

Fig 3. The available functionalities after users authenticate their credentials
Fig 3. The available functionalities after users authenticate their credentials

8. Conclusion

In this article, I have presented the procedure to implement the single sign-on functionality for users having either personal Microsoft accounts (Skype, Xbox, Live, and Hotmail) or work accounts. The procedure consists of four main steps, i.e., (1) create an application on Microsoft Azure, (2) issue credentials, (3) add API permissions to the application, and (4) run the demo program.

Further Reading

  1. Sending mails with Microsoft Graph (Python)
  2. Microsoft Docs - message resource type
  3. Microsoft Docs - Authentication vs. authorization
  4. Microsoft Docs - Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for Python